Diced Chicken Pty Ltd is an umbrella company housing four elements; Diced Chicken Skateboarding, Destroyed Fear Martial Arts, Art/Graphic Design and Elements of Music. It was created by two brothers Kjell and Nils. Who have been skateboarding and training martial arts all there lives. Diced Chicken has developed into something worth much more than just a company, namely a family of like minded friends. The labels heart is expressed in a slogan “destroyed fear” which is the translation of Diced Chicken, don’t be a chicken! This slogan is the back bone and mentality of those involved. No matter Skateboarding, Fighting, Drawing or any other expression.

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Designs for “Diced Chicken”
The Companies logo “The Fearless Eagle” is the final stage of the metamorphoses from the chicken to the eagle which in traditional symbolism is the Scorpio-serpent-eagle transformation.
The clothing designs consist of the skateboarding, the martial art and art range. All art and logos are produced by Kjell Schnack.

The Web and the Graphic Design by Martina Bjelajac.

All other Graphic Designs are produced by a team of creative designers, offering cooperate logos designs, web designs and band and album covers inspired by Kjell’s master pieces.